The institution of confirmation of Polish citizenship is addressed to people who are Polish citizens, but do not have a document confirming this, which is why they cannot obtain a Polish passport or Polish identity card. Most often, confirmation of Polish citizenship is needed by people who left the country years ago, obtained citizenship of another State and did not need Polish documents for a long time. Another factual situation when the procedure of confirming Polish citizenship may prove useful is the situation when the parents (or parents) of the applicant had Polish citizenship and then left the country, lived abroad and their child was born there. In such a situation, the only way for a child to resolve the issue of Polish citizenship is to confirm his / her citizenship. There are also situations when a person’s grandparents or even great grandparents had Polish citizenship. Then such a person may not even know that he has Polish citizenship and in fact is a Polish citizen since birth, only confirmation of citizenship is necessary. An application for confirmation of Polish citizenship is submitted to the competent governor of the Voivode’s place of residence, or to the Consul of the Republic of Poland in the country on whose territory the applicant resides. The application should be accompanied by documents confirming kinship with a person who possesses or holds Polish citizenship. In the course of proceedings for confirmation of citizenship, the office also looks for documents necessary to resolve the case. Similarly, proceedings may be carried out to confirm the loss of Polish citizenship.